Personalized Type Writer Greeting Card

I love most-things vintage. I collect the most random’est old things around the house. We have vintage saws for woodworking, typewriters, rotary phones, shovels, and Mr. WittyThings himself likes old-school cars. Anyways, we’re often drawn to simpler times, which is what inspired this greeting card. In the front, we have a typewriter with a piece… Continue reading Personalized Type Writer Greeting Card

Independent George

You know what it’s like; we have our own personalities which may vary depending on who we’re with. We have our single selves, and then when we’re in a relationship, we become the relationship version of ourselves. Sure, we’re the same, but sometimes we have to behave a little more appropriate as to not embarrass… Continue reading Independent George

National Panda Day

Check it out. Pandas are considered a vulnerable species due to our increasing footprint in this planet. The International Day Calendar recognizes March 16, 2019 as International Panda Day. On March 16, conservationists and animal lovers alike spread the word about one of the world’s most endangered and adored animals.  National Panda Day brings together… Continue reading National Panda Day

We’re Back from Vacay!

Shop Announcement: We’re back from Vacation! As previously mentioned, we were away from the WittyThings workshop from Tuesday, July 10 through Tuesday, July 24th. But don’t worry, we returned two days ago and have shipped all orders placed within those two weeks we were gone. Thank you so much for your support and understanding!